Fun and games with DEXTRO Energy

A sweet little campaign we did for DEXTRO energy has had an extra boost by some genius media placement courtesy of Elliots team at AW Media. Buying space on a mixture of flex, specific and general arm twisting. Plus taking advantage of a portfolio of creative executions, led to some really eye catching work. Three stand out moments, The first being Pete Doherty's kiss and tell drugs splash ending with an 'extra oomph naturally' creative followed by an execution with the headline 'uphill battle' being placed next to the Paula Radcliffe bombing out of the marathon story. Finally in true jumping on the band wagon style we had a 'freewheel' cycle imagery spot all over the British teams gold medal stories. You can see most of the campaign HERE
However none of the above is half as funny as watching a bunch of German students really abusing DEXTRO (here) now that is a brand extension.

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